tables.table_schema as schema_name,
tables.table_name as table_name,
(case when tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' then 't' when tables.table_type = 'VIEW' then 'v' end) as table_type,
tables.table_comment as table_comment,
columns.column_name as column_name,
columns.ordinal_position as column_order,
columns.column_type as column_type,
(case when columns.is_nullable = 'YES' then 1 else 0 end) as column_nullable,
(case when columns.column_key = 'PRI' then 1 else 0 end) as column_primary_key,
columns.column_default as column_default,
columns.column_comment as column_comment
from information_schema.tables
join information_schema.columns on columns.table_schema = columns.table_schema and columns.table_name = tables.table_name
where 1 = 1
and tables.table_schema not in ('information_schema','mysql', 'performance_schema', 'sys')
order by tables.table_schema, tables.table_name, columns.ordinal_position
alter table t_product
partition by range (year(create_time) * 10000 + month(create_time) * 100 + day(create_time)) (
partition pold values less than (20200101),
partition p2020 values less than (20210101),
partition p2021 values less than (20220101),
partition p2022 values less than (20230101),
partition p2023 values less than (20240101),
partition p2024_01 values less than (20240201),
partition p2024_02 values less than (20240301),
partition p2024_03 values less than (20240401),
partition p2024_04 values less than (20240501),
partition p2024_05 values less than (20240601),
partition p2024_06 values less than (20240701),
partition p2024_07 values less than (20240801),
partition p2024_08 values less than (20240901),
partition p2024_09 values less than (20241001),
partition p2024_10 values less than (20241101),
partition p2024_11 values less than (20250101),
partition p2024_12 values less than (20260101)