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PawSQL 重写规则

ALL 修饰符的子查询重写优化

select * from customer where c_regdate > all(select o_orderdate from orders)

如果子查询的结果中存在 NULL,这个 SQL 永远返回为空。正确的写法应该是在子查询里加上非空限制,或使用 MAX/MIN 的写法。

select * from customer where c_regdate > (select max(o_custkey) from orders)

COUNT 标量子查询重写优化

select * from customer where (select count(*) from orders where c_custkey=o_custkey) > 0


select * from customer where exists(select 1 from orders where c_custkey=o_custkey)


select c_custkey, count(*) from customer group by c_custkey having c_custkey < 100
select c_custkey, count(*) from customer where c_custkey < 100 group by c_custkey

IN 子查询重写优化

  • 子查询重写为 EXISTS

    -- 获取最近一年有订单的用户信息
    select * from customer where c_custkey in (select o_custkey from orders where o_orderdate >= current_date - interval 1 year)
    -- 获取最近一年有订单的用户信息
    select * from customer where exists (select * from orders where c_custkey = o_custkey and o_orderdate >= current_date - interval 1 year)
  • 子查询重写为内关联

    select * from orders where o_custkey in (select c_custkey from customer where c_phone like '139%')
    select orders.* from orders, customer where o_custkey = c_custkey and c_phone like '139%'

MAX/MIN 子查询重写优化

select * from customer where c_custkey = (select max(o_custkey) from orders)
select * from customer where c_custkey = (select o_custkey from orders order by o_custkey desc null last limit 1)

IN 可空子查询重写

-- 查询没有订单的用户
select * from customer where c_custkey not in (select o_custkey from orders)

如果子查询的结果集里有空值,这个 SQL 永远返回为空。正确的写法应该是在子查询里加上非空限制。

-- 查询没有订单的用户
select * from customer where c_custkey not in (select o_custkey from orders where o_custkey is not null)


select c_custkey from orders left join customer on c_custkey = o_custkey where c_nationkey < 20

c_nationkey < 20 是一个 customer 表上的 null拒绝条件,所以左外连接可以重写为内连接

select c_custkey from orders join customer on c_custkey = o_custkey where c_nationkey < 20


投影下推指的通过删除 DT 子查询中无意义的列(在外查询中没有使用),减少 IO 和网络的代价,同事提升优化器在进行表访问的规划时,采用无需回表的优化选项的几率。

select count(1) from (select c_custkey, avg(age) from customer group by c_custkey) as derived_t1;
select count(1) from (select 1 from customer group by c_custkey) as derived_t1;


select * from (select c_custkey, c_name from customer) as derived_t1;
select c_custkey, c_name from customer